Autism Hope Alliance Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events
- Event: Autism Hope Summit – 2016
- Media: Audio Interview
- Host: Kristin S Gonzalez
- Guest: Dr. Pedram Shojai
- Theme: Finding Vitality in Your Life to Be Strong for Your Family
- YouTube:
Kristin: I would like to introduce Dr. Pedram Shojai, who is a man with many titles. He is the founder of, the editor Be More magazine, the author of Rise and Shine, the producer and directors of the movies Vitality and Origins.
He is the host of The Health Bridge and Urban Monk podcasts, which are commonly top of the charts in iTunes.
He is also the New York Times bestselling author of The Urban Monk. We’re going to be talking about Finding Vitality in Your Life to Be Strong for Your Family.
“lot of the suffering we have in our world is unnecessary I mean a lot of you know 90% of the illnesses out there, chronic disease and a lot of them come from just lifestyle things that we could change” ~ Dr. Pedram Shojai – Autism Hope Summit – 2016
Dr. Pedram Shojai: Hey, thanks for doing this work. This is important stuff.
Kristin: Well, I think, you know, today our topic is going to be so important for families. You know, it’s so challenging to be a family with special needs and just being a family in general when you have kids, and then you add that special needs component to it, there’s a lot of stuff that kind of goes aside and you don’t start taking care of yourself and all this stress starts to happen. So I think today’s going to be great to kind of go over that stuff.
Before we do can you maybe give us a little bit of background of why you’re so passionate about your work?
Dr. Pedram Shojai: Yeah. You know, I got into healthcare trying to help people, and then I realized I was in the business of sick care and I couldn’t help people unless they had a diagnosis code. And by the time they had a diagnosis code, it was a lot later in the game. It was harder to help them.
And so I decided it was time to kind of swim upstream and help people not need me because a lot of suffering we have in our world is unnecessary. I mean, 90% of the illnesses out there are chronic disease, and a lot of them come from just lifestyle things that we could change. And so I saw that it was an issue with education. I thought that it was a propaganda game that we were losing to the fast food and the junk food companies, and I had to get out ahead of it because if you want to see a world that is healthier and thriving and people that are happy and not tearing each other apart, health is pretty much the foundation for that.
And so it was a very … you know, I was a monk for four years, and my oath and my vows are to help better humanity. And so wherever I can, that’s where I do my work…
What Is Autism Series: Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events
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