Autism Hope Alliance Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events

  • Event: Autism Hope Summit – 2016
  • Media: Audio Interview
  • Host: Kristin S Gonzalez
  • Guest: Robyn O’Brien
  • Theme: How Our Food Affects Allergies & Autism
  • YouTube:

Kristin: We’d like to introduce Robyn O’Brien Who has been called “food’s Erin Brockovich” by Bloomberg and the New York Times. We’re going to be talking about the way food not only with food allergies but those on the autism spectrum.

Welcome Robin thank you for being here!

Robyn O’Brien: Thank you so much for doing this!

Kristin: Background in finance and you’re kind of an unlikely person to be  speaking out on children’s Health, can you share how you got started?

Robyn O’Brien: I was raised in really a conservative Texas family. I went to business schools On a full scholarship. I was recruited by different Industries, like oil and gas industry like companies like Exxon.

I get bored really easily, I know that about myself; I went to work as an equity analyst on a team that manages 20 million dollars in assets.  I was the only woman on the team so the guys had me cover the food industry. At the time I didn’t know how to cook, I was not foodie, 20 something when I was drinking the diet sodas and navigate health kind of like fast freeway. That’s how are i’ve been raised and I really didn’t twice about it.

When we decided to start our family I thought I would step down from the finance world for a few years. We had these four children really close together, really quickly. Eventhen as a busy mom I still wasn’t particularly accustomed to it. I figured whatever was on grocery shelves were fine and safe and went shopping at Costco and didn’t think twice.

Then our fourth child had an allergic reaction on the morning of a breakfast…

SEE YouTube video above:

What Is Autism Series: Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events
Robyn O’Brien | Dr. James Neuenschwande | Scott SmithDr. James Nuebrander |Alex Dolman | Natasha Trenev | Dr. Anju Usman Singh | Bob Doman | Dr. Darin Ingles | Lisa Ackerman | Dr. Tom O’BryanDr. Jo FeingoldDr.’s Jason & Melissa Sonners | Dr Sonia McGowin | Dr. Bob Sears | Lisa Ackerman | Jacquline & Chris Laurita | Ocean Robbins Dr Raphael Kellman | Stacey Littlefield | Tom Bohager | Dr Pedram Shojai | James Neubrander Part 2 | James Neubrander Part 1 | Liz Lipski Ph.D | Gay Hendricks | Choose Hope | Let’s Go Shopping | Katherine Woodward Thomas | Dr Dan Rossignol | Dr Jerry Kartzinel | Dr Dave Dornfeld | Raun Kaufman | Celeste King | Dr Anju Usman  | Donna Gates | Dr Dan Rossignol Dr Joseph Mercola

How Our Food Affects Allergies & Autism (Additives & GMO’s) – Robyn O’Brien

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