Autism Hope Alliance Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events

  • Event:  M.A.P.S. Doctor Interview
  • Media:  Video Interview
  • Host: Kristin S Gonzalez
  • Guest: Dr. Darin Ingles
  • Theme:  Lyme Disease & Autism
  • YouTube:


Kristin: I’m really excited to introduce our next doctor Dr. Darin Ingels.  Thank you so much for being here.

Dr. Darin Ingels:  Thanks for having me Kristin.

Kristin: Before we get started because I know we’re gonna be talking about “Lyme and Autism.” Which is such an important topic! Can you tell people a little bit about where your practice is and you know obviously a little bit more about you.

Dr. Darin Ingels:  Sure, I’m a naturopathic doctor by training I’ve been practicing for about 20 years and prior to that I was a clinical microbiologist. I worked at a large teaching hospital in Chicago and did microbiology and immunology lab testing.

I got into autism about 19 years ago shortly after I started my own clinical practice but my focus has always been on chronic immune disorders environmental medicine and really looking at these different external factors that influence people’s health.  I happen to get Lyme disease myself about 18 years ago so having a personal experience with Lyme and certainly having a background as a microbiologist that really piqued my interest in getting into the Lyme world and other infectious diseases…

What Is Autism Series: Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events
Dr. Darin Ingles | Lisa Ackerman | Dr. Tom O’Bryan| Dr. Jo FeingoldDr.’s Jason & Melissa Sonners | Dr Sonia McGowin | Dr. Bob Sears | Lisa Ackerman | Jacquline & Chris Laurita | Ocean Robbins Dr Raphael Kellman | Stacey Littlefield | Tom Bohager | Dr Pedram Shojai | James Neubrander Part 2 | James Neubrander Part 1 | Liz Lipski Ph.D | Gay Hendricks | Choose Hope | Let’s Go Shopping | Katherine Woodward Thomas | Dr Dan Rossignol | Dr Jerry Kartzinel | Dr Dave Dornfeld | Raun Kaufman | Celeste King | Dr Anju Usman  | Donna Gates | Dr Dan Rossignol Dr Joseph Mercola

Lyme Disease & Autism – Dr. Darin Ingles (M.A.P.S. Doctor)

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