Autism Hope Alliance Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events

  • Event:  Autism Approved Radio
  • Media:  Audio Interview
  • Host: Kristin S Gonzalez
  • Guest:  Lisa Ackerman
  • Theme: Top Medical Issues for Teens
  • YouTube:

Narrator: You’re listening to Autism Approved Radio, where we bring hope and help into your home.

Kristin: Hi everyone!

Lisa Ackerman: Hello!

Kristin: We are here again, we’ve been gone for a little bit And we’re pretty excited to be back Listen in with Lisa and Kristen, Laughter, Wine, and Words Of Wisdom.

Lisa Ackerman: Yeah – Welcome (clinking wine glasses)

Kristin: Woohoo!  

Kristin: Today we’re going to be talking about top medical issues for teens.This is a big one!

Lisa Ackerman: Unfortunately you know for even families that start early on and do medical treatments they think oh we’re good we’re out of the woods and honestly you’re not, you’re not.

Kristin: It’s funny because as our kids get older, I’m going through this right now Jackson’s 14, So I’m going into the puberty.

Lisa Ackerman: I call it the “Fur Face”

Kristin: I call it the “Ahh” – Mommy need more wine phase!

Kristin: When you first get the diagnosis of Autism, you’re reading all about the therapy, the diets. You don’t really read about teen issues.

Lisa Ackerman: Right!

Kristin: I think the show is so important today.  
Lisa Ackerman: Totally, totally! Yeah, 19 years going with this knucklehead…

What’s interesting when we when we and I’m sorry to change topics a little bit, when we see things is a little kid and it presents one way. We get used to that way and we treat whatever the labs are saying and whatever the behaviors or issues that are cropping up.  But when you get a teen, those things change…

What Is Autism Series: Lectures, Interviews and Educational Events
 Lisa Ackerman | | Dr. Tom O’Bryan| Dr. Jo FeingoldDr.’s Jason & Melissa Sonners | Dr Sonia McGowin | Dr. Bob Sears | Lisa Ackerman | Jacquline & Chris Laurita | Ocean Robbins Dr Raphael Kellman | Stacey Littlefield | Tom Bohager | Dr Pedram Shojai | James Neubrander Part 2 | James Neubrander Part 1 | Liz Lipski Ph.D | Gay Hendricks | Choose Hope | Let’s Go Shopping | Katherine Woodward Thomas | Dr Dan Rossignol | Dr Jerry Kartzinel | Dr Dave Dornfeld | Raun Kaufman | Celeste King | Dr Anju Usman  | Donna Gates | Dr Dan Rossignol Dr Joseph Mercola

Top Medical Issues for Teens – Kristin Selby Gonzalez & Lisa Ackerman

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